Pollination Week launched a BUZZ
Our outdoor exhibition SURR (BUZZ in swedish) with portraits of different pollinators – like solitary bees, bumblebees, butterflies, hover flies, bugs and the honeybee. Photographer Lena Granefelt caught the insects in their natural environment.
The exhibition was during the pandemic 2021 put up in the center of Stockholm and in the orchards of Kiviks Musteri in southern Sweden. All premises are visited by large numbers of people during the summerseason. 2022 SURR got new invitations and was put up in Skellefteå, Skara, at Torup castle outside Malmö and the Natural Science Museum in Stockholm.
Pollination Week engages all over Sweden
Through coordinated events we have developed a campaign called Pollination Week that takes place at the second part of May every spring. Our concept is growing from year to year and has the ambition to become an important event for citizens all over Sweden, and eventually also the Nordic countries and Europe.
During this week also World Bee Day and International Day for Biological Diversity take place.